Expert articles

Ekspert artikler

At NNIT we would to improve your business. No matter what option your business wants to explore, such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Cloud, Robotics, Blockchain, DevOps or Pretotyping, our ambition is to help you grow digital innovation and achieve your goals. In addition, we have gathered articles based on the results from our Expectation Barometer about strategy, organisation, technology, competences and eco-systems.

Hos NNIT vil vi gerne være med til at gøre det bedre. Uanset hvilke muligheder din virksomhed ønsker at udforske, f.eks Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Cloud, Robotics, Blockchain, DevOps eller Pretotyping, er vores ambition at hjælpe dig med at dyrke digital innovation og nå dine mål. Derudover har vi samlet artikler baseret på resultaterne fra vores forventningsbarometer om strategi, organisation, kompetencer, teknologi og eco-systems.

Innovation projects have top management support – now implementation needs to be strengthened

Innovationsprojekter har topleder-opbakning – nu skal implementeringen styrkes

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User involvement creates innovation success - but few take advantage of this opportunity

Brugerinddragelse skaber innovationssucces – men få udnytter muligheden

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Insist on innovative culture in digital transformation

Stil skarpt på innovativ kultur i digital transformation

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The skills may be in place for digital innovation

Kompetencer er på plads til digital innovation

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Optimize customer experience with artficial intellingence

Optimer kundeoplevelse med artificifial intelligence

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6 examples of digital change that focus on business rather than technology

6 eksempler på digital forandring, der har fokus på forretning frem for på teknologi

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Can blockchain benefit your business?

Kan blockchain gavne din forretning?

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Robotic Process Automation - Are you ready to invite robots into your IT systems?

Robotic Process Automation: Er du klar til at invitere robotterne ind i dine IT systemer?

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Pretotyping - Test your idea before development

Pretotyping - Test din idé før, du udvikler

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NNIT Expectation Barometer 2018

Dive into best practices of digital innovation – one of the most widely used and coveted terms in business today.

The publication is the result of NNIT’s latest survey on digital innovation and draws on the answers of 250 respondents in the spring of 2018. Also, we have supplemented the report with interviews of 6 innovative CIOs, who contribute with their insightful input and experiences.

In the publication we delve into the best practices and experiences of these businesses to uncover, what makes the difference between the Navigators, who have taken digital innovation to heart, and the Base Campers, who are making the preparations for future digital expeditions – but aren’t quite there yet.

All that remains is the question – is your company geared towards digital innovation?

NNIT Forventningsbarometer 2018

Dyk ned i best practice inden for digital innovation – en af de mest anvendte og eftertragtede termer i erhvervslivet i dag.

Publikationen er resultatet af NNIT’s seneste barometerundersøgelse om digital innovation, som trækker på besvarelserne fra 250 respondenter i den førte halvdel af 2018. Vi har desuden krydret rapporten med interviews af 6 innovative CIOs, der bidrager med deres skarpe input og erfaringer.

I publikationen dykker vi ned i virksomhedernes best practices og erfaringer for at afdække, hvad der udgør forskellen mellem Navigatørerne, som for alvor har taget den digitale innovation til sig, og Base camperne, som er i gang med at forberede sig til fremtidige digitale ekspeditioner – men som endnu ikke er helt i mål.

Det eneste, der står tilbage, er spørgsmålet – er din virksomheder gearet til digital innovation?


Get relevant sparring and optimal solutions for your Digital Transformation in the fields of transformation, agility, experiences and security.


Få relevante sparring og optimale løsninger til din digitale transformation inden for transformation, agilitet, produktivitet og sikkerhed.

Transformation &

Transformation &

Agility &
Always on

Agility &
Always on

Experiences &

Experiences &

Security &

Security &